Projects Initiated in the 1970’s


70-2 Analysis of Thermally Loaded Laminated Circular Plates. Reports: J.F. Carney, “Analysis of Thermally Loaded Laminated Circular Plates”: Report #1, May 1971, JHR 71-37 Final Report (pdf). Report #2, August 1971, JHR 71-43 Final Report (pdf). Report #3, March 1972, JHR 72-50 Final Report (pdf). Final Report, December 1972, JHR 72-58. Final Report (pdf)

70-3 Field Consolidation of Varved Clay. Reports: R.P. Long and K.A. Healy, “Preliminary Report, Field Consolidation of Varved Clay, Phase I,” January 1971, JHR 71-34. “Field Consolidation of Varved Clay,” Report #2,” June 1971, JHR 71-38 Final Report (pdf). “Field Consolidation of Varved Clay,” Report #3,” August 1972, JHR 72-55 Final Report (pdf). “Analyzing Field Data for Initial Settlements,” October 1972, JHR 72-56 Final Report (pdf). “Field Consolidation of Varved Clay,” Report #4, March 1974, JHR 74-78 Final Report (pdf). “Field Consolidation of Varved Clay,” Report #5, June 1975, JHR 75-89. Final Report (pdf) “Field Consolidation of Varved Clay, Final Report,” April 1978, JHR 78-113. Final Report (pdf)

70-4 Air Jet Snow Plow. Reports: M.M. Kasinskas, “Development of the Air Jet Snowplow,” Report #1, June 1970. “Development of the Air Jet Snowplow, Final Report,” July 1972.

70-5 Simulation of Traffic Flow of the I-291 and Route 15 Three-Level Diamond Interchange. Reports: R.P. Jain, “Traffic Flow Simulation on I-291 and Route 15 Three-Level Diamond Interchange,” July 1971, JHR 71-40 Final Report (pdf). C.H. Knapp and R.P. Jain, “Simulation of Traffic Flow on the I-291 & Route 15 Three-Level Diamond Interchange,” January 1974, JHR 74-79. Final Report (pdf)

71-1 Multiple Truck Loading on Bridges. Report: R.D. Desrosiers and R.J. Grillo, “Estimating the Frequency of Multiple Truck Loadings on Bridges, Project 71-1,” May 1973, JHR 73-68. Final Report (pdf)

72-1 Effects of Deicing Salts and Lead Particulates Upon Chemical Composition of Trees and Shrubs. Reports: E.F. Button, “Determination of the Effects of Deicing Salts Upon Trees, Shrubs and Soils – Report I,” November 1973. E.J. Rubins, “Summary 175-331 Soil Samples – 1973,” December 1973. E.F. Button, E.J. Rubins, W.A. Woodward and G.F. Griffin, “Effects of Deicing Salts and Lead Upon Trees, Shrubs, and Soils in Connecticut – Final Report,” January 1977, Report No. 331-F-76-9. Final Report (pdf)

72-2 Measurement of Bridge Deck Status by Dynamic Modulus. Reports: J.E. Stephens, “Measurement of Bridge Deck Status by Dynamic Modulus, Final Report,” August 1979, JHR 79-129. Final Report (pdf) J.F. Risley, “A Method of Investigating Bridge Deck Quality Through Dynamic Analysis and Appropriate Testing Comparison,” Master’s Thesis, May 1977.

73-1 Negative Skin Friction on Piles and Foundation Design Methods for Poles and Towers. Reports: R.P. Long and K.A. Healy, “Final Report – Foundation Design Methods for Poles and Towers,” December 1973, JHR 73-71 Final Report (pdf).
R.P. Long and K.A. Healy, “Final Report – Negative Skin Friction on Piles,” January 1974, JHR 74-77. Final Report (pdf)

73-2 Durability of Traffic Paint Under Laboratory and Summer Use .
Reports: L. Shih and R.M. Fitch, “Analysis of Traffic Paints,” Research Report, June 1973. J.E. Stephens, L. Shih and R.M. Fitch, “Hot White Traffic Paint, Laboratory and Summer Condition Study,” March 1974, JHR 74-76. Final Report (pdf)

73-3 Short Term Effects of Highway Construction. Report: B.J. Houghton and R.H. Wortman, “Short Term Consequences of Highway Construction – The Allyn Street Connector Case Study,” May 1975, JHR 74-82. Final Report (pdf)

73-4 A Portable Energy Absorbing System for Highway Service Vehicles. Reports: J.F. Carney, “A Portable Energy Absorbing System for Highway Service Vehicles,” June 1974, JHR 74-80 Final Report (pdf). 73-4 (cont’d) J.F. Carney, “A Portable Energy Absorbing System for Highway Service Vehicles, Final Report,” September 1974, JHR 74-83. Final Report (pdf). J.F. Carney, “Experimental Evaluation of a Portable Energy Absorbing System for Highway Service Vehicles, Final Report Phase I,” June 1977, CE 77-109.

74-1 Measurement of Foundation Strains under Lateral Loads. Report: R.P. Long, K.A. Healy, P.J. Carey and M. Powers, “Measurement of Foundation Strains under Lateral Loads,” December 1976, JHR 76-102. Final Report (pdf)

74-3 A Review of Traffic Restraint Concepts and the Potential Application in Connecticut. Report: S. Garofalo and R. Wortman, “Summary of the Current Status of Knowledge on Traffic restraint,” July 1976, JHR 76-99. Final Report (pdf)
Report: H. Miller and R.H. Wortman, “The Potential Application of Traffic Restraint in Connecticut,” February 1977, CE 77-103. Final Report (pdf)

74-4 Design of Test Installation of Bitumen Coated Piles. Report: R.P. Long, “Design of Test Installation for Bitumen Coated Piles, Final Report,” February 1976, JHR 76-96. Final Report (pdf)

75-2 Split Cylinder Test for Tension Strength of Concrete. Report: T. Pastor, J. Pelliccione and J.E. Stephens, “Split Cylinder Test for Tension Strength of Concrete,” March 1976, JHR 76-97. Final Report (pdf)

75-4 Statistical Utilization of Past Quality Control Data. Report J.E. Stephens, T. Pastor and J.R. Pelliccione, “Statistical Analysis Applied to Management Decisions,” February 1977, JHR 77-104. Final Report (pdf)

77-1 Reducing Highway Maintenance through Effective Drainage. Report: R.P. Long, K.A. Healy, P.J. Carey and W. Hover, “Reducing Highway Maintenance through Effective Drainage, Final Report,” March 1979, JHR 79-124. Final Report (pdf)

77-2 Development of a Process for the Review of Queuing Models to be Used in Air Quality Analysis. Report: C.F. Davis and T. Ryan, “Queuing Models for Pollution Analysis,” February 1979, JHR 79-123. Final Report (pdf)

77-3 A Legal Determination of the Navigability of the Quinebaug and Shetucket Rivers. Report: K. Fox, “Legal Determination of the Navigability of the Quinebaug and Shetucket Rivers,” May 1978, JHR 78-114. Final Report (pdf)

77-4 Solar Energy Augmentation for Hot Water Needs in Connecticut Highway Rest Areas. Report: D.R. Jackson, J. Callahan and W.W. Bowley, “Solar Energy Augmentation for Hot Water Needs in Connecticut Highway Rest Areas, Final Report,” March 1982. Final Report (pdf)

77-5 False-Color Infrared Aerial Photography as an Aid in Evaluating Environmental Impacts on Inland Wetlands by Proposed Highways in Connecticut: A Feasibility Study. Report: W.C. Kennard, M.W. Lefor and D.L. Civco, “False-Color Infrared Aerial Photography as an Aid in Evaluating Environmental Impacts on Inland Wetlands by Proposed Highways in Connecticut: A Feasibility Study, Final Report,” September 1978, JHR 78-120. Final Report (pdf)

77-6 Chemical Reactivity of Selected Connecticut Rock Strata. Report: I. Kaseoru, “Chemical Reactivity of Selected Connecticut Rock Strata,” Term Paper 1979.

78-1 Development of a Steel Pipe Vehicle Impact Attenuation System. Reports: J.F. Carney, “Development of a Steel Pipe Vehicle Impact Attenuation System, Final Report,” September 1978, JHR 78-121. Final Report (pdf) J.F. Carney, “Experimental Evaluation of a Portable Energy Absorbing System for Highway Service Vehicles, Final Report for Phase II,” April 1979, CE 79-125.

78-2 Assessment of Highway Environmental Impact in Connecticut Using Remote Sensing Procedures. Report: W.C. Kennard, M.W. Lefor and D.L. Civco, “Identification on Inland Wetlands for Transportation Planning Using Color Infrared Aerial Photography, Final Report,” May 1980, JHR 80-132. Final Report (pdf)

78-3 Analysis of Air Pollution, Traffic Congestion and Fuel Consumption by Computer Simulation. Report: C.F. Davis and T.A. Ryan, “Analysis of Air Pollution, Traffic Congestion and Fuel Consumption by Computer Simulation, Final Report,” February 1980, JHR 80-131. Final Report (pdf)

78-4 Determining the Shear Strength of Varved Clay Using Vane Shear. Report: R.P. Long, P.J. Carey and W.H. Hover, “Determining the Shear Strength of Varved Clay Using Vane Shear,” February 1980, JHR 80-130. Final Report (pdf)

79-1 A Study of Para-Transit in Connecticut. Report: C.F. Davis and M.F. Makuch, “Final Report – Paratransit: A Review of Selected Connecticut Programs and Comparison with National Experience,” May 1983, JHR 83-150. Final Report (pdf)

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