The Connecticut Transportation Leadership Program

Photo of classroom with attendees

Program Objective

Successful transportation agencies don’t just have great employees, they also have great leaders. The Connecticut Training and Technical Assistance Center, in response to requests from local agencies in Connecticut, is offering this opportunity for comprehensive leadership training.

Structure of the Program

Nine trainings will be completed over the course of two years. Trainings will be held from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm (Lunch will be provided). A capstone project and presentation are also required for completion of the program.

Who May Apply?

The Transportation Leadership Program is open to current and future leaders of municipal and state transportation agencies. Directors of Public Works, Town Engineers, Highway Superintendents, Road Foremen and Crew Leaders are encouraged to attend.

An application must be submitted and approved. A letter of recommendation from the individual’s supervisor must be included with the application, and the application must include a response to an essay question on the individual’s goals for participation in the program.
Leadership Program Overview and Application

Required Trainings (Cohort kickoff, all six modules and two electives are required for completion)

Cohort Kickoff
- DiSC Assessment
- Program Orientation and Goal Setting

Module One
- Teamwork
- Communication
- Giving Feedback

Module Two
- Maximizing Your DiSC Style to Lead Your Team to Success

Module Three
- Public Speaking
- Presentation Skills

Module Four
- Dealing with Difficult People
- Conflict Management

Module Five
- Developing and Supporting a Resilient Team

Module Six
- Succession Planning and Setting the Course Ahead

Elective Trainings (Two Elective trainings will be required - here is a sample of electives that may be offered in the program)

  • Ethical Decision Making
  • Time and Stress Management
  • Grant Writing
  • Public Relations/Promoting the Value of your Agency
  • Project Management
  • Seven Habits for a Highly Successful Leader
  • Roundtable Discussions on timely leadership topics

Photos of attendees

Photo of attendees

*Classes are $125 per participant for state and municipal employees, unless otherwise noted. 

Pay It Forward Project - Each participant must complete a project in support of the CT Public Works Community. The project will be approved by Center staff and reviewed for completion and quality. Once the project work is successfully completed, a presentation must be made to the cohort on the results and experience. 

Sample Project Ideas

  • Development of Tailgate Talks to support operational safety practices.
  • Creation of an on-demand video highlighting a best practice or new technology.
  • Development of resources that can be used to streamline typical operations.
  • Author a technical article to be shared in a newsletter/publication.
  • Creation of outreach materials to promote public works as an exciting career opportunity. 
  • Visit a school to give a presentation to students on public works careers. 
  • Creation of educational materials for residents on operational/safety topics.
  • Participate on an instructor team for a T2 or CTDOT training or present as a speaker at a conference educational session. 

Project Presentation Days (attendance at all cohort presentation days is required)
- Group Presentations from TLP Cohort Members.

Where will trainings be held?

Trainings will be held at different locations throughout Connecticut. Members of the Leadership Program will be offered opportunities to host sessions in their towns.

What is expected of Leadership Program participants?

  • Participation in Cohort Kickoff
  • Completion of six required modules and two electives
  • Self-assessment exercises completed in preparation for trainings
  • Completion of a capstone project and a 20 minute presentation to their cohort members
  • Attendance at all Cohort member project presentations
  • Completion of assignments throughout the program

How will the Training and Technical Assistance Center support this learning community?

  • Providing high quality training
  • Developing interactive curriculum to ensure experiential learning
  • Supporting cohort members in Capstone Project efforts
  • Providing leadership resources, including the monthly Leadership Lessons electronic newsletter

Additional Program Information:

Information on the schedule for the training modules will be provided to each class as early as possible so you can plan your schedules, accordingly. Your active participation in each of the training modules will be an important part of this valuable learning experience.

Acceptance to the program does not commit you or your agency to any financial commitment, registrations will be processed for each individual training (just like our other professional development programs). The approximate cost for each training will be $125.

An effective leader is a person with a passion for a cause that is larger than they are.