Contact Us
CTI administrative offices are located in the Longley Building on UConn’s Depot Campus.
Connecticut Transportation Institute
270 Middle Turnpike, Unit 5202
Storrs, CT 06269-5202
Phone: 860-486-5400
Fax: 860-486-2399
Faculty and Graduate Student offices are located in the F.L. Castleman building on UConn’s main campus.
Directions to CTI
Our street address is:
Longley Building
270 Middle Turnpike
Storrs-Mansfield, CT 06269-5202
(note we are on the Depot Campus of off Route 44, which is several miles from the Main Campus)
From the Interstate (I-84):
- Take I-84 to EXIT 68
- Head south on Rte. 195
- Right turn onto Rte 32 (approx 3 miles)
- At light, left onto Middle Turnpike/Rte 44
- Take third driveway on the right into parking lot of Connecticut Transportation Institute (Longley Building)
From Bradley Airport and Points North:
- I-91 South to I-291 East
- I-291 East to I-84 East
- Take Exit 68
- Head south on Rte. 195
- Right turn onto Rte 32 (approx 3 miles)
- At light, left onto Middle Turnpike/Rte 44
- Take third driveway on the right into parking lot of Connecticut Transportation Institute (Longley Building)
From Points West of Hartford:
- I-84 East to I-384 East
- I-384 to end
- Exit left onto Rte 44 (to Providence)
- Cross Rte 32 intersection
- From intersection, take third driveway on the right into parking lot of Technology Transfer Center (Longley Building)
From Rhode Island and East:
- Follow Route 44 West
- Cross Route 195 Intersection
- Take left onto Weaver Road (located across from Bergen Correctional Facility). Stay to left at the split. Follow into parking lot of Connecticut Transportation Institute (Longley Building)
From Central/Eastern Massachusetts:
- Take I-84 to EXIT 70 (Rte 32)
- Stay on Rte 32 East to Rte 44
- At light, left onto Middle Turnpike/Rte 44
- Take third driveway on the right into parking lot of Technology Transfer Center (Longley Building)
Note: Technology Transfer Center and Training Room are located upstairs – Room 206.