Connecticut Training & Technical Assistance Center
Equipment Loan Program

Online Request Form



The equipment loan program is designed to provide tools, at no cost, to local agencies to assist them in improving local road safety. We offer a range of equipment, including those that support initiatives that assist in reducing crashes and improving traffic management. Our program aims to promote safer road environments by ensuring that the necessary equipment is accessible to municipalities across Connecticut. We empower communities and road safety advocates to make an impact without the financial burden of purchasing expensive equipment. Whether it’s collecting traffic counts, implementing a speed management program or ensuring your road signs meet retroreflectivity guidelines, our program supports you goals of fostering a culture of road safety, ultimately saving lives and promoting responsible driving behavior.

Please see below for a complete list of the items available in the program.

Equipment Loan Program Brochure

For more information or to request equipment, contact:

Jason Hughes
Safety Technical Associate
(860) 486-0303

Shawn Barry
Safety Technical Associate
(860) 486-5847


NEW Pedestrian/Bicycle Counter

The newest addition to the T2 Equipment Loan Program is a pedestrian/bicycle counter. This new device can count and differentiate pedestrians from cyclists while being completely mobile. The counter is ideal to count pedestrians on footpaths, crosswalks or shared paths. It is also capable of counting pedestrians on a sidewalk and cyclists on the adjacent road. Data is transmitted through cellular phone service back to the T2 team.

Pavement Marking Retroreflectometer

Pavement marking visibility is an integral part of local road safety. Recent MUTCD revisions have brought significant pavement marking retroreflectivity requirements to local agencies. Not all Connecticut municipalities are up to standard. The retro reflectometer on loan through the CT Training & Technical Assistance Center (T2 Center) allows municipal agencies the ability to measure the retroreflectivity of their pavement markings to ensure they are in compliance.

  • Measures retroreflectivity of white and yellow pavement markings.
  • The ease of use with the touch screen on the top of the unit will benefit our users.
  • User customized data fields – location on road, installation date, material, etc.
  • Stores up to 25,000 data points with removable flash drive for easy data transfer and standard USB/wireless Bluetooth computer interface.
  • T2 can generate customized reports based on your data collection.
  • Substantially rigid carrying case.

Pavement Marking Retroreflectometer Equipment Tutorial Video

Sign Retroreflectometer

Night time sign visibility cannot be ignored when reviewing the overall safety of our local roads. MUTCD revisions have brought significant sign retroreflectivity requirements to local agencies. Not all Connecticut municipalities are up to standard. The retroreflectometer on loan through the CT Training & Technical Assistance Center (T2 Center) allows municipal agencies the ability to measure the retroreflectivity of their signs to ensure they are in compliance.

  • Unit comes with barcode electronics that are built to suit your inventory program!
  • The ease of use with the touch screen on the back of the 922 unit will benefit our users
  • Retro reflectivity acquisition time is fast!
  • Battery is a standard 12V rechargeable
  • T2 can generate customized reports based on your data collection
  • Substantially rigid carrying case

Traffic Monitoring Equipment

The T2 Center has two Jamar Black Cat II Radar Recorders and eight MetroCount pneumatic traffic monitoring units which are part of our equipment loan program.

SIMPLE SETUP: Both the radar and the pneumatic tube units are self-contained and easy to install. We provide any and all necessary hardware needed to set up the unit along with programming of the unit.

REPORT PROCESSING: Upon completion of the monitoring, simply return the unit to the T2 Center. We process all collected data, assemble and customize the report(s), and return them to your agency without delay. Reports available to your agency include completely customizable speed, gap and axle classification reports which can be tailored to report specified information in an easy to use format.

Manual Traffic Counters

Manual intersection traffic counters can be used to count turning movements.

Safety EDGE

The T2 Center has a Trans Tech Shoulder Wedge Maker which is available to your agency on loan. The Safety Edge is a great way to minimize the safety concerns over edge drop off, while at the same time providing a higher density, longer lasting edge on the outside edge of the pavement.

SAFETY: Roadway departures are a high-impact contributor to the severity of crashes across the United States. The Safety Edge has been shown to reduce the effort needed for vehicles to re-enter the roadway and reduce tire scrubbing along vertical outside pavement edges.

EASE OF USE: The Shoulder Wedge Maker mounts conveniently as a shoe on the inside of the paver wing.

Ball Bank Indicator

A Ball Bank Indicator can be used to determine advisory speed limits.

Range Finder

The range finder can be used for estimating intersection, and stopping sight distances. The range is from 5 to 500 yards.

Radar Gun

The speed gun can be used to estimate travel speed for advisory speed limits. Measures speeds from 10 to 200 mph, with up to 1500 feet of range.

Digital Level

The level can be used for estimating road and sidewalk grades and cross slope.

Speed Feedback Signs

A Speed Feedback Sign can be used to alert drivers to how fast they are going, as a speed control measure, these signs can be loaned to municipalities to experiment with them to determine if they are something they should consider purchasing. Studies have shown that use of feedback signs can reduce speeds by up to 5 mph.

ADA Compliance Toolkit

How can you ensure your community is ADA compliant and friendly? How can you gauge if your pedestrian amenities allow for mobility or vision impaired users? By using the T2 Center’s ADA compliance toolkit, you can determine first-hand whether or not your community is accessible.

The kit includes the following items:

  • Goggles to simulate three different visual impairments
    • Stroke, Tumor or other injury can cause damage to the one side of the brain, and results in loss of vision in the opposite side of both eyes. T2 Center’s goggles simulate right side vision loss. (2 pairs)
    • Blind spots in the middle of one’s vision, caused by various diseases, often age related macular degeneration. (2 pairs)
    • Tunnel Vision – constricted visual fields, often caused by glaucoma or retinitis pigmentosa. (2 pairs)
  • Masks to simulate total loss of vision (3 masks)
  • Support canes, used in conjunction with goggles or masks (2 canes)
  • Wheelchairs (2)

ADA Toolkit Flyer