Taking the Next STEP in Pedestrian Safety (TSTC Credit) - Windsor

Event Date: 8/29/2024

Event Overview

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A Connecticut Traffic Signal Technician Certificate Program ELECTIVE Workshop 

Class Description:

This course is designed to provide participants with the opportunity to assess roadways for pedestrian safety issues and the tools to resolve those issues. The goals of FHWA’s STEP initiative and its importance in improving pedestrian safety will be discussed, as well as the EDC-7 Nighttime Visibility for Safety innovation. Participants will conduct a field review of pedestrian facilities and evaluate potential safety improvements.

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this class, participants will:

  • Understand the goal of STEP and Nighttime Visibility in improving pedestrian safety in your community
  • Be able to evaluate and assess a roadway for pedestrian safety issues
  • Identify appropriate countermeasures and develop recommendations for pedestrian safety improvements

Who Should Attend:

  • Traffic Signal Technicians
  • Public Works Directors and Highway Supervisors
  • Local Traffic Authorities
  • Engineers and Planners
  • Law Enforcement 

Class Notes:

  • This class includes a field exercise that will allow you to put into practice what is learned during the classroom portion of the workshop. Please bring a safety vest and wear comfortable shoes for this portion of the program.
  • Important resources will be shared prior to this workshop. We highly encourage you to review the materials in preparation for this class.


Peter Eun, Transportation Safety Engineer, FHWA
Peter Eun is a Transportation Safety Engineer with the FHWA Resource Center’s Safety & Design Technical Service Team. Peter previously headed the Every Day Counts 5 STEP (Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian) initiative and now co-leads the center’s Pedestrian Safety Program. He provides technical assistance in the areas of pedestrian safety, complete streets, speed management and equity, with a focus on vulnerable road users.

George Merritt, FHWA
George Merritt is a Senior Safety and Geometric Design Engineer with the FHWA Resource Center. He is responsible for deploying new design-related technology to help improve safety on our Nation’s highways through the application of performance based practical design, innovative design, nighttime visibility, complex freeway interchange design, and predictive safety.


  • Please email any questions to Vanesa Corrao at vanesa.corrao@uconn.edu.
  • Cost: Free. No registration fee is charged for this class. This training opportunity is offered by the Training & Technical Assistance Center's Connecticut Safety Academy.
  • If a participant fails to attend the workshop and does not inform our team by phone or email by the morning of the training, a $25.00 no-show fee will be charged. Alternatively, you may send a replacement from your agency.
  • Lunch will be provided. 
  • Registrations will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis.
  • Approximately one week prior to the class, you will receive an email confirmation of your attendance, along with the address of the workshop location.
  • If you require an accommodation to participate in this workshop, please contact Vanesa Corrao at vanesa.corrao@uconn.edu.
  • Please advise if you have dietary restrictions. 
  • Video/Photographs may be taken for promotional and training purposes. Please notify us during registration if you do not wish to be photographed/filmed.