APWA - New England Chapter Connects: Increasing Efficiency in Winter Maintenance: Weather vs. Road Weather

Event Date: 9/26/2024

Event Overview

Increasing Efficiency in Winter Maintenance: Weather vs. Road Weather

A New England Chapter Connects Series — Presented by the NEAPWA's Public Works Awareness and Education Committees

When: Thursday, September 26, 2024, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. via Zoom Hosted by T2 Center at UConn

In exploring the relationship between air and road temperatures, we can start to uncover answers to an important question: to what extent do road temperatures differ over short distances? Understanding these variances is crucial for efficient and effective winter maintenance operations. Our discussion will pivot around the contrast between standard atmospheric weather conditions and those that are specific to roads. We'll shed light on the extent of these variations, the factors contributing to them, and why this knowledge is indispensable for winter road maintenance strategies. This discussion aims to underscore the value of understanding road temperature variations in bolstering winter maintenance operations.

To Register:
In order to join us you will need to register in advance through Zoom. Click here to register today.