Traffic Signal Maintenance

A CT Traffic Signal Technician Certificate Program Level I REQUIRED Workshop

Course Description:

This workshop is designed to provide an overview of traffic signal maintenance, including reactive maintenance, preventative maintenance, and response maintenance. Participants will learn the components of a successful preventative maintenance program, how to replace common components, and how to properly document maintenance activities. This class will also include a discussion about how a good preventative maintenance program can reduce liability.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the difference between proactive and reactive maintenance and the importance of preventative maintenance.
  • Replace various traffic signal components.
  • Understand the importance of preventative maintenance and how to maintain an inventory of materials and supplies.
  • Conduct a preventative maintenance inspection.
  • Repair or replace common traffic signal component failures.

Who Should Attend:

Traffic signal technicians, those interested in becoming traffic signal technicians, and other transportation professionals interested in gaining a better understanding of how traffic signals are constructed and maintained.



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