Roadside Maintenance


Course Description: 

Roadway maintenance does not stop at the edge of the pavement. How the roadside is maintained can impact the quality of the road itself as well as the safety of those who use it. This course has been developed for supervisors who maintain urban and rural roadsides. It focuses on the importance and complexities of maintenance operations including vegetation control, safety concerns, drainage and trees. Policy and procedure recommendations for safe roadside maintenance will also be discussed.

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this class, participants will be able to:?

  • Discuss the complexities and importance of maintaining the roadside.
  • Describe necessary components of policies on mowing, hazardous materials, toxic weeds, invasive plants and crew safety.
  • Discuss procedures necessary to protect crew and equipment.
  • Identify regulations involved in roadside maintenance.

Who Should Attend: 

This course is designed for those who are responsible for maintaining urban and rural roadsides. Public Works Directors, Highway Superintendents, Foremen and Crew Leaders are encouraged to attend.

Credit Hours

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